September 20, 2018

The meeting of Directors of the Missouri Society of Enrolled Agents was called to order by President, Jessica Ammons, at 7:01 p.m. on September 20, 2018, by web – conference call.

Those in attendance were:

President, Jessica Ammons EA

Secretary, Sheryl R. Gorman EA

Treasurer, Richard Ripper EA

Directors Present: Margaret Doedtman EA, Kathy Blood EA, Debbie Tolbert EA, Patricia Sanders EA, Lonnie Dean EA, James Ford EA

Officers and Directors Not Present: Vice President, Charles Riggs EA, Serita Eldridge EA, Bill Molini EA


SECRETARY: The minutes from the previous meeting were distributed prior to meeting and motion was made by Richard to accept, and seconded by Maggie, motion carried.

TREASURER: The annual convention made a little extra money. A possible scholarship was discussed.


MEMBERSHIP: Facebook and our web page are being updated frequently.

GOVERNMENT RELATIONS: Nothing to report.

CONVENTION: Details to save the date are posted on the website.

EDUCATION: All continuing education credits are posted to the IRS. Maximum capacity is expected for the November 16, 2018 Fall update.

BUDGET: Nothing to report.

AUDIT: Committee will need to get with Richard to audit in December.

SPECIAL PROJECTS: There was discussion about a possible Webinar.

COMMUNICATIONS: E-mails are being answered, the web-site and Facebook are kept current.

OLD BUSINESS: With regard to insurance, are we wasting money on a policy for things we don’t need? Jessica will forward information on what is in place with NAEA vs liability for special events.


NEW BUSINESS: NAEA – APEX will be November 8 and 9, 2018 in Orlando FL. The importance of MOSEA having someone there was discussed. Chuck has expressed an interest to go. If he still wants to go, he will be reimbursed for flight, hotel and meals. If Chuck does not attend, Sheryl will be reimbursed for attending. MOSEA has a debit card that was never activated. It was discussed that the card needs to be activated and used for expenses like this.

Jessica met with IRS Liaison, Kathleen Fox on August 24, 2018 for lunch. Ms. Fox can present continuing education at our events. We all understand the importance of a great relationship with our Liaison. 😊

The Registration for fall update is at 15 as of September 19, 2018.

A special meeting may be called for discussion of further details with regard to insurance. within 30 days.

There being no further business to come before the board, Richard motioned to adjourn the meeting, Debbie seconded that the meeting be adjourned, motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 7:44 p.m.

The next scheduled meeting will be November 16, 2018 after the Fall Update.

Respectfully Submitted,

Sheryl R. Gorman EA

Secretary MOSEA


The motion has passed. Thanks,

Jessica Ammons

On Sep 29, 2018, at 9:40 AM, Jessica Ammons <> wrote:

On September 27, 2018, Richard Ripper made a motion to pay the cost of transportation, Per Diem and lodging for 3 days to send Chuck Riggs to APEX. James Ford seconded the motion.

Please vote Yes or No no later than Monday, October 1, 2018 at 5:00pm.

Thank you,

Jessica Ammons, EA

President, MOSEA