SEPTEMBER 21, 2017
The meeting of Directors of the Missouri Society of Enrolled Agents was called to order by President, Jessica Ammons, at 7:07 p.m. on September 21, 2017 via web conference call.
Those in attendance were:
Immediate Past President, Richard Ripper EA
President, Jessica Ammons EA
Vice President, Patricia Sanders EA
Secretary, Sheryl R. Gorman EA
Treasurer, Chuck Riggs EA
Directors Present: Jim Talbott, EA; Margaret Doedtman, EA, Karen Arredando, EA; Kathy Blood, EA
Not in Attendance were: Directors: Serita Eldridge, EA; Debbie Tolbert EA; Julie Myers EA
Secretary: The minutes from the previous meeting were distributed prior to meeting and correction was suggested, motion made by Margaret Doedtman, Karen Arredando seconded, motion carried.
Treasurer: Treasurer, Chuck Riggs, presented the financial report. Registration funds from July convention are approximately $2,500.00 in the pay-pal account waiting to be moved to checking account. There are a few outstanding invoices yet to be paid. Patricia Sanders motioned to approve report, Sheryl Gorman seconded, motion carried. Jessica commented that the convention was well ran and we have received a lot of positive feedback.
Membership Committee: Jim Talbott reports that the MOSEA is able to have a table at the Drake Update Schools at no charge. Giveaway items were discussed. Membership rosters have been sent out by NAEA, and MOSEA members that have not paid their dues have been contacted by e-mail to see if we can determine if they are interested in renewing their membership.
Education Committee: Richard Ripper discussed Ben Tallman and the fall convention, and briefly outlined his adgenda. Continuing education credits have been posted and all PTIN numbers were good.
Convention Committee: Patricia Sanders reports that Springfield MO has reached out to her for the 2019 Convention. Kinderhooked and Columbia were also mentioned. There was discussion that moving the convention away from the casino could be a problem for those who are looking for something to do. Moving dates was also discussed. Convention is locked in with Isle of Capri for 2018.

Special Projects: Serita Eldridge was not present to report.
Government Relations: Nothing to report.
Budget: Nothing to report.
Audit: Nothing to report.
Communications: Constant Contact has 29 registered for Fall Convention with the early bird e-mails and discount. The MOSEA website is updated and moving forward. The phone number on the website is being monitored by Jessica Ammons. The Facebook group page has been updated, and posting frequently to get information out. Commercial requests to join the group are being declined.
MOSEA Annual Registration needs to be filed. Sheryl Gorman will get this done. Fees will be reimbursed. Karen Arredando let us know that the MOSEA shirts are in and they look very nice, the color choices are very nice as well. The shirts will be available at the fall convention. The bill is approximately $244.00 for the shirts. NAEA Leadership Academy in November was discussed. Kathy Blood will be in attendance. NAEA Apex will also be in November and Patricia Sanders will be in attendance. The motion was made by Sheryl Gorman that MOSEA reimburse Kathy Blood and Patricia Sanders for their expense to attend said functions, Richard Ripper seconded, motion carried
Sheryl Gorman discussed that occasionally NAEA waives dues for a member for the year. In the event that happens, shouldn’t we as the Missouri Chapter do the same? Richard Ripper moved that we follow the same guidelines as NAEA, Kathy Blood seconded, motion carried. Sheryl Gorman will notify NAEA of our decision.
The next meeting of the MOSEA Directors will be October 27, 2017 immediately following the conclusion of the fall convention.
With no other business coming before the meeting, Richard Ripper made the motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Patricia Sanders. The motion carried and the meeting was officially adjourned at approximately 7:31 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Sheryl R. Gorman EA

Sheryl R. Gorman EA
Secretary MOSEA