http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07ehao2ohg512da80e&llr=8izp6ncab&fbclid=IwAR0xWSnaWAWoOR_9pYISA0nVM-UhwaLAIvHetG82LOpqC9RV_jzYbrHnKFo                CLICK LINK TO REGISTER!

Missouri Society of Enrolled Agents Fall Tax Seminar 2020

Eight hours of CPE for $165.00. Early bird $145.00 until October 25th.  

Fall Tax Seminar

We will live stream speaker Thomas A. Gorczynski, EA. He will provide a Federal Tax Update and Ethics. We will have one hour of review on changes in Missouri presented by a MOSEA Instructor. 

2020 Tax Update (6 CE):

This course will provide a comprehensive review of all major tax law changes applicable to tax year 2020 returns.  Tax law changes applicable to both individuals and businesses will be covered including a review of all major tax-related legislation passed during tax year 2020.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Describe the tax law changes applicable to individual taxpayers for tax year 2020.
  • Describe the tax law changes applicable to business taxpayers for tax year 2020.
  • Understand the new tax laws passed during 2020, including the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, the CARES Act, and any subsequent legislation.

Ethics (1 CE)

State updated (1 CE)

Lunch is included in your registration fee.

Event Details
Date:  November 13th, 2020
Time:  8:00 am to 5:00 pm (Registration opens at 7:30 am.)
Conveniently located at the Isle of Capri Casio/Hotel, Boonville
Central location, fun, yet professional and plenty of parking, reasonable rates. Call (800)941-4753 for your reservation.
Use the discount code MOSEA to get our special rate. Stay over and enjoy the casino, hotel, Katy Trail or many other local attractions.