JUNE 7, 2018
The meeting of Directors of the Missouri Society of Enrolled Agents was called to order by President, Jessica Ammons, at 7:12 p.m. on June 7, 2018, via web conference call.
Those in attendance were:
President, Jessica Ammons EA
Vice President, Patricia Sanders EA
Secretary, Sheryl R. Gorman EA
Treasurer, Chuck Riggs EA
Directors Present: Jim Talbott, EA, Margaret Doedtman, EA and Julie Myers, EA.
Not in Attendance were: Immediate Past President, Richard Ripper EA, Directors: Kathy Blood EA, Debbie Tolbert EA, Serita Eldridge EA, and Karen Arredando EA.
Secretary: The minutes from the previous meeting were distributed prior to meeting and motion was made by Maggie to accept, and seconded by Patricia seconded, motion carried.
Treasurer: Treasurer, Chuck Riggs, presented the financial report prior to the meeting. Sheryl motioned to accept the report, Chris seconded motion carried.
Membership Committee: Nothing new to report.
Education Committee: Maggie reports fees are the same as last year, content is set up. The surveys from last year were taken into consideration, and the education content will reflect the survey results. Jessica questioned why we are not doing 16 hours of education. The response was, there is no reason, and we can change it. Maggie is happy to be on the education committee for 2018 and 2019.
Convention Committee: Jessica is getting meals finalized and everything is falling into place. We are planning bingo and possibly a silent auction. We have donations of (1) Fall Update Registration from MOSEA, next year Annual Convention Registration from MOSEA, Holli at NAEA has donated $250.00 toward NTPI Fellow Registration, and Sheryl has secured several donations as well as promotional items from vendors. The MOSEA promo items have been purchased and will be available for sale at convention. Patricia is still looking at Springfield, St. Louis and Kansas City for future conventions.
Special Projects: Serita Eldridge was not present to report. Jessica got an e-mail with regard to possible 1 hour seminars to offer.
Government Relations: Jessica, Debbie, Kathy and Sheryl attended NAEA Fly-In and visited with 5 different government offices regarding NAEA objectives. Jessica reported APEX was “Just Awesome”, and thanked MOSEA for sending her.
Budget: Nothing to report.
Audit: Nothing to report.
Communications: Jessica has forwarded the phone number on to her phone.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Nominating Committee, Maggie reports that we need names by the June 19th.
NEW BUSINESS: Patricia wants to step down as Vice President, as she is trying to get two new businesses off the ground, up and running. She stated that she would be willing to stay on the board if elected.
Jessica spoke about NAEA and Educating America – we need to help get the word out to not only colleges but also vo-tech and high schools about Enrolled Agents and our profession.
Sheryl is working on getting the by-laws of MOSEA re-typed and posted on our website.
There being no further business to come before the board, Maggie motioned, and Patricia seconded that the meeting be adjourned, motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:06 p.m.
The next meetings will be July 19 and 20, 2018 at the MOSEA Annual Convention.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sheryl R. Gorman EA
Secretary MOSEA